TIME-LIMIT EXTENDED: RETS invites institutions to participate in a multicenter study
Current Executive Secretariat of the RETS, the Joaquim Venâncio Health Polytechnic School (EPSJV/Fiocruz) announces the onset of works to carry out an international multicenter study to identify and analyze the quantitative and qualitative supply of health technical workers training in different countries. Invitations are being sent to the Network’s institutions, but other educational and research institutions may also be eligible to join, provided they meet the established requirements and submit, no later to than May 15, 2015, the “Interest in participating in the Multicenter Study form” duly completed. These institutions must have work and research experience with other national institutions (other Training Schools or Universities, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, etc.); administrative support infrastructure to support national and international research and communication activities; and willingness to absorb any national research costs.
Institutions with a research team that can develop on its own or in partnership with researchers from other institutions the study at the national level may participate. In the case of partnerships, the different teams must work in coordination, appointing an institution as national or regional coordinator. Institutions can join all the study process or just one of its stages (quantitative and qualitative).
As of May, national teams shall be defined and specific discussions shall be provided on the study in each country from their own Basic Project.
The study falls within the RETS objective to produce, systematize and disseminate knowledge that can support the development of policies, programs, plans and international cooperation projects, as well as strengthen national health systems. It also seeks, to some extent, to resume the very origin of the Network, which was established to try and reverse the negative situation identified in the area of training and work of health technicians in a multicenter study conducted in 1996 by institutions from 16 countries of the Americas and coordinated by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).
Duly completed forms and requests for clarification on the procedure or documents should be forwarded to the RETS email (rets@fiocruz.br), with a copy to Roberta de Freitas Campos (roberta.freitas@fiocruz.br) who is responsible for the process.
This multicenter study is based on the MERCOSUR project, a survey conducted jointly by institutions in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. Read more about: