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Published in: 10/01/2015

Rets Magazine -Permanent call for Reporting Experience

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Capas-de-revistasRETSThe RETS Magazine reaffirms its desire to disseminate experience reports. Therefore, we are accepting articles in the area of technical workers´ education, to be published this year.

The idea is to promote the greatest possible number of experience reports, in all areas and levels of education, from those targeting auxiliary workers and health care agents to those related to mid-level technicians and/or higher level technologists.

Join and send your report. All experience reports are fundamental to enlarge the debate on many issues relating to the education of these workers, who despite performing an important role in national health systems are not always been recognized by their importance.

Will be selected for publication experience reports that occurred since 2010, according to the guidelines specified in this call. In the selection process, preference will be given to experience reports within the institutions that comprise RETS, RETS-CPLP and RETS-Unasul.

Guidelines and clarification for reports submission:
  1. Reports in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted.
  2. The reports must be sent in Word format to the e-mail
  3. The publication of the reports will be made in journalistic format, in accordance with the nature of RETS Magazine. In this sense, all texts sent will go through an editing process, which goal is to adapt the material to the available space and journalistic language. In the process of adaptation, the authors of the text will be contacted whenever necessary.
  4. All experience reports which meet the objective of this call, including those that are not published in printed magazine for reasons of space, may be published on the RETS website in order to expand the scope of the proposal and initiative.
  5. Reports must not exceed the number of 20 000 characters (including spaces) and should include the following elements:
  • The goals and justification of the report.
  • The theoretical bases necessary and used to give statements to the subject.
  • The description of the activities carried out, the methodology (material, method) and the results.
  • The assessment of the experience, including both aspects considered positive and those who are considered negative, given that both are equally important in the evaluation processes. If deemed necessary, authors may submit recommendations and suggestions for similar experiences. It is important highlighting the value of this experience to the field of health education and/or the system's organization, as well as emphasizing the values and knowledge aggregated by the authors over the reported activity.
  1. The images accompanying the text (pictures, graphs, tables etc.) must be in high resolution (300dpi or higher), to enable good quality print. All images must be accompanied by explanatory captions and individual or institutional credits.
  2. The reports must be accompanied by full details of the author – name, short resume, phone and e-mail, institution, position and function in the institution within the context of the experience – which will be responsible for the legitimacy of the information contained in the text. Wherever possible, must be sent materials/documents complementary to the reported experience (folders, links to materials or news about the experience report, teaching materials etc.)
  3. All actors mentioned by name or that give testimonials on the experience report must be properly identified (name, function, position, etc.)
  4. By submitting an experience report, the authors agree with its full publication and its replication in other media, provided references to sources and maintained the integrity of the information. The description of the texts still implies in agreement with the guidelines and clarifications contained in this call.