Brazilian House of Representatives approves agreement on ISAGS/UNASUR headquarters
The House of Representatives approved the text of the headquarters agreement between Brazil and UNASUR, signed in Asuncion in 2012, for the operation of the ISAGS. The project still must be voted in the Senate.
The Plenary of the House of Representatives approved on June 1st, the Legislative Decree Project (PDC) 24/15, containing the agreement between Brazil and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) for the operation of the South American Institute of Government in Health (ISAGS) in the national territory. The Senate must now vote on the initiative.
Created in 2010, the ISAGS is a center for research and debate on health development public policy in the South American countries. Its headquartered is located in Rio de Janeiro, taking advantage of the experience of national institutions such as the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the National Cancer Institute.
Studies in the field of public health management are intended to support UNASUR’s countries in strengthening the capabilities of their public health systems and training of human resources.
According to the text, the Institute and foreign officials will have the usual privileges and immunities granted to international organizations.
Among the diplomatic privileges are tax exemptions on goods imports, on local purchases of goods (ICMS and IPI) used in the renovation or construction of the headquarters, and on the local consumption of electricity and telecommunications (ICMS). The Institute’s assets may not be subject to confiscation or expropriation.
The Institute’s Executive Director shall enjoy the same privileges granted to comparable employees of representations of international organizations, such as facilities, personal inviolability, immunities, privileges and tax exemptions.
At the end of his/her functions, the Director may also transfer his/her assets, exempt from taxes. Other employees, under the condition of not being permanent residents in Brazil or Brazilians, will have tax exemption on salaries and emoluments received from the institute.
The agreement contained in the PDC 24/15 was signed on April 20th 2012, in Asuncion.