International institutions signed declaration of psychomotricity
In order to provide a conceptual and methodological reference for the development of psychomotricity, the European Forum of Psychomotricity (EFP), the Organisation Internationale de Psychomotricité et de Relaxation (OIPR) and the Red Latinoamericana de Universidades con Formación en Psicomotricidad (Red Fortaleza de Psicomotricidad) signed a declaration on July 5, 2014, at the Superior Institute of Reeducation and Psychomotor Paris (Institut Superieur et Reeducation of Psychomotricite) during the Summer University in Paris (Universidad de Verano de Paris).
The declaration shows the fundamentals and activities of these three institutions, like “la reconnaissance de la profession et de l’identité professionnelle du psychomotricien s’appuie sur sa formation de base, qui doit être spécifique, de niveau d’enseignement supérieur, de grade Licence à Master selon les cultures et pays, et accréditée par les instances nationales officielles et/ou gouvernementales.”
Also according to the document, the Psychomotor considers, from a global view of the human being, that the interactions between psychological, perceptual and motor, psychomotor functions model the records, which unfold in physical and human environment. And psicomotricistas perform acts on psychomotor functions and major human roles in their sensory-motor, emotional, cognitive and interpersonal perceptual-motor components.