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Published in: 06/09/2014

ISAGS launches open call for articles to a theme journal on the Post-2015 Agenda

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The South American Institute of Government in Health (ISAGS) is launching an open call for articles and essays to be included in its first scientific journal, which will be about ‘Post-2015 and Sustainable Development Goals: the South American Vision’. The publication is aimed at fostering the political-strategic debate on the construction of the United Nations agenda for sustainable human development and its implications for human and environmental health from the perspective of South American nations.

In charge of ISAGS’s Social Determination of Health (SDH) area, researcher Alessandra Ninis explains the editorial commission is looking for contributions on articulation models in the making of the new Agenda; on the consultation and social participation processes within the UNASUR countries; on the South American challenges concerning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); on the importance of the SDG for the countries’ sustainable development; on health in South America and the SDG; and others.

“These are foremost issues for strengthening the internal debate within the South American countries so as to promote the exchange of ideas about the development models South America wants and hopes for the next 15 years” she explains.

Researchers interested in contributing to the journal must submit the articles, essays, debates and analysis in Spanish or English to the e-mail: until July 20th 2014. The journal will be released in November 2014.

For further details, check out the full call here.