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04/10/2015 - WHO’s new registration system will enable it to build a global roster of foreign medical response teams ready to deploy for emergencies. The Global Foreign Medical Teams Registry sets minimum standards for international health workers and allows teams to clearly outline their services and skills. This facilitates a more effective response and better coordination between aid providers and recipients.
04/07/2015 - Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually – including many children. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers.New threats to food safety are constantly emerging. Changes in food production, distribution and consumption; changes to the environment; new and emerging pathogens; antimicrobial resistance - all pose challenges to national food safety systems. Increases in travel and trade enhance the likelihood that contamination can spread internationally. As our food supply becomes increasingly globalized, the need to strengthen food safety systems in and between all countries is becoming more and more evident. That is why the WHO is promoting efforts to improve food safety, from farm to plate (and everywhere in between) on World Health Day, 7 April 2015.
04/01/2015 - For the third consecutive year, the Global Health Workforce Alliance is pleased to join forces with civil society partners- Frontline Health Worker Coalition and the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative to bring you World Health Worker Week, which will run from April 5-11. World Health Worker Week is an opportunity to mobilize communities, partners and policy makers in support of health workers worldwide. We are pleased to invite all HRH stakeholders, GHWA members and partners to celebrate the week by raising public awareness and engagement on health workforce issues, and recognize the lifesaving contribution of the health workforce.
03/10/2015 - A edição n° 150 de março de 2015 da Revista Radis, que está on-line, debate o que está por trás da desoneração fiscal. De acordo com a matéria de capa, a lógica utilizada pelo governo e pelo setor empresarial de menos impostos e contribuições, mais crescimento econômico, mais emprego e bem estar para a população, visando defender a política de renúncias e desonerações parece simples, mas esconde o real impacto da diminuição da arrecadação que financia a Seguridade Social: menos direitos sociais para todos os brasileiros. A estimativa da Receita Federal é que, em 2014, o governo abriu mão de recolher R$ 136,5 bilhões somente com as contribuições sociais. Somado aos impostos, este valor chega a cerca de 250 bilhões perdidos com desonerações e renúncias, informa a revista.
03/04/2015 - To raise awareness about the impact of congenital anomalies, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has joined with 11 other leading global health organizations to commemorate the first World Birth Defects Day (3 March).
02/24/2015 - Use of the same syringe or needle to give injections to more than one person is driving the spread of a number of deadly infectious diseases worldwide. Millions of people could be protected from infections acquired through unsafe injections if all healthcare programmes switched to syringes that cannot be used more than once. For these reasons, WHO is launching a new policy on injection safety to help all countries tackle the pervasive issue of unsafe injections.
02/24/2015 - The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging affected countries to scale up their investments in the fight against neglected tropical diseases, to improve the health and well-being of more than 1.5 billion people. This investment would represent as little as 0.1% of current domestic expenditure on health in affected low- and middle-income countries for the period 2015-2030.
02/10/2015 - More than 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy. To help defeat the disorder, the WHO Programme on Reducing the Epilepsy Treatment Gap seeks to expand the skills of primary care, non-specialist health care providers to diagnose, treat and follow up with people with epilepsy. The Programme engages in health system strengthening, improving the availability of antiepileptic medicines and raising awareness about epilepsy. The Programme is currently being implemented in 4 countries: Ghana, Mozambique, Myanmar and Viet Nam.
02/03/2015 - As part of the collaboration between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and The Rockefeller Foundation, and with the goal of further improving our services of selective dissemination of information, the new "Portal for the Equity List and Knowledge Network” was launched. This new virtual space, with free and equitable access, serves as the main source of information for the List. It will allow to generate moderated debates and retrieve thematically classified information, which is automatically connected to the Virtual Health Library (managed by BIREME) and the collection of information products published by PAHO/WHO.
02/02/2015 - Urgent government action is needed to meet global targets to reduce the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and prevent the annual toll of 16 million people dying prematurely – before the age of 70 – from heart and lung diseases, stroke, cancer and diabetes, according to a new WHO report.