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O Sistema de Saúde: 

The National Health System of Mozambique several sectors, are: public, community and private for-profit and non-profit. The former is the largest provider of services in the country and is characterized by the National Health Service (SNS). It is organized in four main levels, hierarchically:

  • Level I | This is where the Primary Health Care (CSP) strategy is implemented;
  • Level II | Reference to clinical conditions that have no response in primary care, such as complications of childbirth, injuries, medical and surgical emergencies;
  • Level III and IV | More specialized curative actions that guide the lower levels.

The health policy in place recognizes the role of private care for citizens, there are initiatives for contracting services to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in progress. There is also, although initially, the service of this sector for non-profit purposes - this is done mainly by foreign NGOs and some religious entities in agreement with the Ministry of Health (MISAU). To complete this structure in Mozambique, the community level with emphasis on traditional medicine contributes a lot to the NHS. It is estimated that more than half of the country's population seeks and receives such care. Therefore, the Government recognizes that there is a need to improve collaboration with this level which, in the social context, may be the sole source of health care. To this end, in 2007, the Institute of Traditional Medicine (IMT) was created under MISAU.