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  • 09/20/2019 - The ABCs of healthy diets: A kid’s guide to improving nutrition

    By learning which foods are good for us – as well as for the environment – we can make sure that we’ll have enough resources for a happy, healthy and a #ZeroHunger future.  Read more!. Activity book: 'Eating healthy matters' and Website: World Food Day (10/16/2019).

  • 09/18/2019 - CALL FOR ARTICLES: Pan American Journal of Public Health

    The Pan American Journal of Public Health invites you to submit articles for a special issue on Human Resources for Universal Health, to be published in 2020. Articles in Spanish, English or Portuguese will be accepted. Deadline: December 31, 2019. More information:

  • 09/06/2019 - Sexual and reproductive health and rights and infectious diseases of poverty linked to the current mass migration in the Americas

    Concurso para recibir subvenciones para equipos de investigación en salud, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y enfermedades infecciosas de la pobreza vinculadas a la actual migración masiva en las Américas con enfoque en el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de investigación y la generación de evidencia local. El Plazo para la aplicación es 13 de octubre de 2019. 

    Patrocinan el llamado el Programa Especial de Investigación HRP de la OMS, Programa Especial para la Investigación y Capacitación en las Enfermedades Tropicales, en colaboración con la OPS. Lea la convocatoria en español

  • 09/06/2019 - Strategies for combating online hate

    An article uses the Complex Systems methodology and analyzes the fight against hate groups, can data science find better strategies to eliminate haters? The authors shed light on the structure and dynamics of online hate groups and, informed by the results, propose four policies to reduce hate content on online social media. Read more here. Image: Gordon Welters/NYT/Redux/eyevine

  • 08/13/2019 - September 17: World Patient Safety Day

    Patient Safety is a global health priority. No one should be harmed in health care. And yet, every day, too many people in the world suffer avoidable harm or are put at risk of injury while receiving health care. Patient safety is the prevention of harm and the reduction of risk of injury and errors in health care. Join WHO global campaign to increase public awareness and engagement; enhance global understanding; and spur global action. Read more.

  • 08/12/2019 - Polio and Measles: #LasVacunasFuncionan!

    Dr. Bruce Aylward, Deputy Director General of the Office of the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), tells us how the polio eradication strategy today serves to direct efforts towards measles elimination. Watch the video.

  • 07/30/2019 - 10 areas governments could work with to reduce the harmful use of alcohol

    Each year 3 million lives are lost due to harmful use of alcohol. The WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol seeks to improve the health and social outcomes for individuals, families and communities, with considerably reduced morbidity and mortality. The global strategy focuses on ten key areas of policy options and interventions at the national level. Read more.

  • 07/24/2019 - Video: Primary Health Care

    Primary health care meets the majority of people’s needs during their life, from screening for health problems, to administering vaccines, to providing treatment for conditions and more. #HealthForAll depends on strong primary health care. Watch the video.

  • 07/23/2019 - Online free course (VCPH - PAHO): Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV infection

    This eLearning course is for practicing health professionals around the globe who currently have a client population at high-risk for contracting HIV and provide or will provide Oral PrEP or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP).  Estimated course length: 4 hours. Read more.

  • 07/17/2019 - WHO/Europe studies find baby foods are high in sugar and inappropriately marketed for babies

    Two new studies from WHO/Europe show that a high proportion of baby foods are incorrectly marketed as suitable for infants under the age of 6 months, and that many of those foods contain inappropriately high levels of sugar. Read more.
