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Published in: 06/23/2017

Sustainable Development Goals: Where to find recent information on the topic?

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During the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, a complex negotiation process began, which lasted until August 2015, at the Sustainable Development. During this period, the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) were defined. They succeeded and updated the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and began to guide national policies and international cooperation activities by 2030. For Health and Wellbeing (ODS 3) countries have established the need to ensure healthy living and well-being to all at all ages.

What has been done since? Are countries really working towards the achievement of their goals? Where to look for information about the deployment of ODS in the world? What results have already been obtained in relation to the health and well-being of populations?

The United Nations (UN) maintains, through its Sustainable Development Division (DSD), a platform (Sustainable Development knowledge plataform) exclusively dedicated to the monitoring and dissemination of knowledge on all aspects related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

With regard to health, without losing sight of its close relationship with other areas, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)  also maintain their own portals to disseminate technical-scientific, infographic and related ODS information.

In addition, WHO has also recently launched a monthly electronic newsletter to disseminate mainly scientific articles and publications edited by the Organization, organized by specific lines of action, goals and objectives of the ODS, besides works of regional and national interest. To receive the publication, click on: