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  • 10/09/2019 - A staggering 2.2 billion people already suffer from eye conditions and visual impairment today, but the global need for eye care is set to increase “dramatically”, with lack of exercise a key factor, the UN health agency said on Tuesday, unveiling its first ever report on vision across the world.
  • 10/07/2019 - The 8th RETS Webinar 'Accreditation of training institutions for technical health workers' will be held on October 8, 2019, at 2 pm (Brasília time), at the International Salon of the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz), live transmission by RNP (in Portuguese and Spanish). At the event, held in partnership with the International Networks of National Institutes of Health (RINS) and Latin American Network of Public Health Training Schools and Centers (RESP), the researchers Virginia Alonso Hortale (ENSP/Fiocruz) and Mônica Cola Cariello Brotas Corrêa (University of Vila Velha and ETSUS-Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil) will present conceptual and operational aspects of the issue, discussing possibilities and challenges that involve the application of this strategy in the training of health technicians. The table will be coordinated by the International Cooperation coordinator of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV/Fiocruz), Helifrancis Condé.
  • 10/04/2019 - The race to provide Universal Health Coverage can now get underway, said the World Health Organization (WHO) on september 24, as nations take to the “starting line” following the most “comprehensive international health agreement in history”- the landmark pledge to improve global health declared by the UN just 24 hours earlier. Tedros Adhammom Ghebryesus said the document would serve as “a new milestone in our journey towards a healthier, safer and fairer world”, dovetailing with the launch of the agency’s own pledge to boost healthier living. 
  • 10/01/2019 - On the International Day of Older Persons – 1 October – the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching  a package of tools, including a digital application to help health and social workers provide better care for older people. The innovative interactive digital application known as WHO ICOPE Handbook App provides practical guidance to address priority conditions including mobility limitations, malnutrition, vision and hearing loss, cognitive decline, depressive symptoms and social care and support. Used in conjunction with a package of tools including a new handbook, the app will accelerate training of health and social workers to better address the diverse needs of older people.  
  • 09/26/2019 - Describing it as an “important landmark” on our “journey to health for all”, Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday welcomed the UN Political Declaration on universal health coverage, or UHC, which commits countries to advance towards full coverage for their citizens in four major areas around primary care.
  • 09/23/2019 - The world will need to double health coverage between now and 2030, according to the Universal Health Coverage Monitoring Report. It warns that if current trends continue, up to 5 billion people will still be unable to access health care in this year. Countries must increase spending on primary healthcare by at least 1% of their gross domestic product (GDP) if the world is to close glaring coverage gaps and meet health targets agreed in 2015, says a new report from the World Health Organization.
  • 09/09/2019 - The number of States with national suicide prevention strategies has increased in the five years since the publication of WHO’s first global report on suicide, said the Organization, in the lead-up to World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September. But the total number of countries with strategies, at just 38, is still far too few and governments need to commit to establishing them. The global age-standardized suicide rate for 2016 was 10.5 per 100 000.
  • 09/06/2019 - According to El País, the World Health Organization warned of the "dramatic rise" of measles in Europe, an infectious disease preventable by vaccines that can be fatal and cause serious sequelae. Although the trend is global, Europe is especially concerned about WHO for the decline that the continent has suffered in the control of the disease. Four countries, the United Kingdom, Greece, Albania and the Czech Republic, lost in 2018 the status of "measles-free country", which means that the virus has once again circulated autochthonously. This is the first time this has happened since the WHO established this data review process in 2012.
  • 09/06/2019 - WHO has published updated guidance on the use of contraceptives. The new guidelines take into account the confirmation of a study revealing that women with a high risk of contracting HIV can use any form of reversible contraception. Among the methods, the survey does not represent an increased risk of infection, are injectable, implants and intrauterine devices copper, also known as IUDs. The WHO guideline emphasizes, however, that the correct and consistent use of these contraceptive methods do not protect both HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
  • 08/30/2019 - According to PAHO, over 34% of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean does not have safe managed drinking water, and only 22% have sewage services. It is estimated that about 7,600 children under the age of 5 will die annually for diarrheal diseases in the region. It is estimated that at each R $ 1 expense in sanitation, R $ 4 sejam saved in health. This issues are part of the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) 3 and 6, that will be the focus of a Fiocruz event next year. For this, the National School of Public Health Sérgio Arouca (ENSP/ Fiocruz) promoted a debate about the organization of the National Seminary of Health, Health and Human Directorates in the 2030 Agenda, last tuesday (20/8). Read more.  
