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05/06/2014 - The Spanish experience will be presented in perspective to the South American systems. The conference that will be conducted by specialist José-Manuel Freire and is promoted by the South American Health Institute on May 13th at 11am. It will be broadcasted online in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
01/21/2014 - The event theme was ‘The Network as a place of production of knowledge about education and work of health technicians’, happened as a preliminary activity to the 3rd Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, and brought together about 80 representatives of countries and institutions that are part of the networks. The official agenda of the meeting was the discussion and approval of the work and the regulation plan of the three networks and the election of the future headquarters of the Executive Secretariat of RETS and RETS-Unasur.
10/08/2013 - Meeting in Washington from September 30 to October 4, the Directing Council and the Regional Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) assess the issue of human resources for health (HRH) and reaffirm the commitment of the Organization to this theme.
10/04/2013 - Paulo César Ribeiro de Castro, current director of the Polytechnic School of Joaquim Venancio Polytechnic Health School (EPSJV/Fiocruz), which is hosting the Executive Secretariat of the Network since 2005. The purpose of this interview is to discuss some issues and begin discussions which certainly will be part of the agenda of the 3rd General Meeting to be held on November 7th and 8th in Recife, in the Northeast of Brazil.
09/27/2013 - The illiteracy rate in Brazil has stopped falling. According to data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) released on Friday (27) in 2012, the illiteracy rate among people aged 15 or older was estimated at 8.7%, which corresponded to the contingent 13.2 million illiterates. In 2011, this rate was 8.6% and the quota was 12.9 million people.
09/26/2013 - The hair loss resulting from chemotherapy can become a big problem of loss of self-esteem for women affected by cancer. To relieve this trauma, many patients choose to use wigs, which is not always possible due to the high cost that this object can achieve. Thinking about these women, the Technician Hairdresser program of the Educational Center of Human Talent in Health, of the National Learning Service (Sena) of Bogota initiated a special project, in which is developed a cosmetic and aesthetic procedure for women facing cancer treatment.
07/22/2013 - The 3rdGeneral Meeting of RETS will be held on November 7th and 8th, at AggeuMagalhãesResearch Center (CPqAM/Fiocruz), in Recife (Brazil), along with the 2nd Meeting of RETS-CPLP and the 2nd Meeting of RETS-Unasur. The idea is that the meeting, which theme is The Network as a place of production of knowledge on education and work of health technicians,serves as a space for discussion about possible strategies to strengthen the initiative. The Meeting is focused to representatives of member institutions of RETS and national leaders responsible for educational policies of health technicians
05/20/2013 - En - ores de Lorem Ipsum na internet tendem a repetir pedaços predefinidos conforme necessário, fazendo deste o primeiro gerador de Lorem Ipsum autêntico da internet. Ele usa um dicionário com mais de 200 palavras em Latim combinado com um punhado de modelos de estrutura de frases para gerar um Lorem Ipsum com aparência razoável, livre de repetições, inserções de humor, palavras não características, etc.