Work and teacher training will be the theme of the second workshop on 'The challenges of health technicians education during the pandemic'
The second session of the Cycle of Workshops 'The challenges of health technicians education during the pandemic', to be held on August 31, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon (Brasilia time), will address the topic of work and teacher training. The idea is to present the theme and discuss the experiences, difficulties and strategies lived in the different institutions that make up the Networks. The following will participate as speakers in this workshop: Wolfang Alberto Latorre Martínez, from the National School of Instructors 'Rodolfo Martínez Tono' (ENI/SENA - Colombia); Mariana Lima Nogueira, from EPSJV/Fiocruz - Brazil; and Patricia Manzoni, director of the University School of Medical Technology (EUTM/UDELAR - Uruguay).
From the topics addressed during the debate, topics of interest for the next offices will be defined. The meetings are transmitted by VideoSaúde Distribuidora Fiocruz, in Portuguese and Spanish. Certificates are also sent to those who wish to receive them.
Link to the webcast in Portuguese:
Link to the webcast in Spanish:
On th theme of the workshop
Particularly challenged in their ways of acting, teachers needed to reformulate their practices, starting to interact with students through emails, messaging applications, teleconferencing platforms and virtual learning environments. Many teachers found themselves unprepared to deal with the new devices and pedagogical issues raised by the pandemic context.
How did teachers cope with the rescheduling of the school calendar and the virtuality of the classroom? What changes in the meaning of teaching are being observed in times of pandemic? To what extent were teachers mobilized to reformulate curricula in the face of radical contextualization? What are the "foundations" of technical training that have been destabilized? What new content was summoned in the wake of such a contingency? How did you re-plan your teaching-learning strategies and assessment processes? What new requirements became necessary for teacher training to deal with students' learning difficulties and mental health problems during this period?
These are some questions that will be on the agenda of the workshop and that we will seek to discuss collectively.
From the questions addressed during the discussion, topics of interest for future workshops will be defined. The workshops are transmitted by VideoSaúde Distribuidora Fiocruz, in Portuguese and Spanish. Certificates are also sent to those who wish to receive them.
About the workshop cycle
Since the beginning of 2020, when the WHO recognized the Covid-19 pandemic, our social, personal and productive lives have been deeply impacted and all sectors of human life have been affected.
Faced with the suspension of classroom activities, schools have been faced with the dilemma of reinventing daily school life in a short period of time and under totally adverse conditions in order to continue fulfilling their mission with students.
With this in mind, the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV / Fiocruz), as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for the Training of Health Technicians, in cooperation with the International Network for Education of Health Technicians (RETS), Red Iberoamericana de Educación de Técnicos en Salud (RIETS) and the Red de Escuelas Técnicas en Salud de la Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa (RETS-CPLP), launched the Cycle of Workshops 'The challenges of training health technicians during the pandemic', the first session of which was held on July 6, with the theme of professional practices. The purpose of the initiative is to generate a space for exchange, reflection, learning and formulation of proposals based on concrete experiences of the member institutions of the networks to face these challenges.