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Ensuring human rights within contraceptive programmes

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Accountability is central to ensuring that health and human rights standards are respected, protected and fulfilled. Monitoring and evaluation help to ensure effective delivery of services and contribute to accountability by providing information on progress towards the fulfilment of rights obligations. Despite an international commitment to public health policies and programmes that are based on human rights principles, indicators for monitoring the promotion or violation of rights in health programmes remain fairly novel. This work represents a first step towards bridging this gap, by providing a methodology for identifying existing quantitative indicators that can be used in a rights analysis of contraceptive programmes, and a short set of prioritized quantitative indicators. This report also identifies the remaining gaps, highlighting rights-related outcomes that we are currently not able to adequately monitor in the context of contraceptive programmes. A comprehensive approach to monitoring rights will require identifying and developing qualitative and policy indicators, as well as new quantitative indicators.




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human rights

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