8th RETS Webinar: 'Accreditation of training institutions for technical health workers'
The 8th RETS Webinar 'Accreditation of training institutions for technical health workers' will be held on October 8, 2019, at 2 pm (Brasília time), at the International Salon of the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz), live transmission by RNP (in Portuguese and Spanish).
At the event, held in partnership with the International Networks of National Institutes of Health (RINS) and Latin American Network of Public Health Training Schools and Centers (RESP), the researchers Virginia Alonso Hortale (ENSP/Fiocruz) and Mônica Cola Cariello Brotas Corrêa (University of Vila Velha and ETSUS-Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil) will present conceptual and operational aspects of the issue, discussing possibilities and challenges that involve the application of this strategy in the training of health technicians. The table will be coordinated by the International Cooperation coordinator of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV/Fiocruz), Helifrancis Condé.
Why discuss the topic of accreditation?
The search for a system to evaluate and guarantee the quality of education offered by training institutions has been a challenge in all countries. In this sense, the minimum requirements for accreditation of institutions and courses are created, as well as methodologies for periodic evaluations.
In general, accreditation can be understood as a form of assessment that depends, among other things, on the institution's official authorization to provide education; a period of work as an academic institution that allows graduates, an internal evaluation of their academic service offerings, an external evaluation that ratifies and comments on the adequacy of the internal evaluation, and an external resolution with a validity limit, which indicates to the institution its quality status based on community-accepted standards.
Within the scope of RETS, the topic of accreditation has been discussed very recently, since the 4th General Network Meeting, held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2018. The result was the establishment of a specific objective on the theme in the RETS Regionalized Actions for Latin America (2019-2022).
In this sense, the members of RETS pledged to ‘socialize accreditation strategies of technical training institutions and health facilities that configure training spaces’, as the fourth objective of the Plan and established four strategies to achieve them:
Identification of the legal frameworks of relationships between training institutions and health service providers.
Identification of accreditation strategies of technical training institutions and health units that configure training spaces.
Creation of a repository of legal framework information and accreditation experiences through the PAHO/WHO Virtual Campus.
Conducting a virtual seminar on different experiences and modalities of accreditation of technical training institutions and health units that configure training spaces.
A first observation on the subject and its interfaces with the discussions of the Network is the fact that, often, the existing formulations on the theme of accreditation (experiences and research) relate, primarily, to higher education (university/institution accreditation and undergraduate and postgraduate courses in health). In general, there is no mention of the subject regarding the training of mid-level technicians.
Despite the scarce theoretical-methodological reflection on the theme of accreditation in the context of health technician education, its relevance is reaffirmed by the initiatives of regional integration and internationalization of education. The methodological and epistemological diversity of the theme suggests the need for further research on the designs and strategies adopted in the different countries, as well as the possibility of comparative analyzes that support the formulation of supranational policies and strategies.
Guest speakers
Mônica Cola Cariello Brotas Corrêa
Master in Psychology from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2005) and Doctor in Developmental Psychology from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2014). Pedagogical Coordinator of the Medical Course at Vila Velha University - ES. Professor of Medicine and Psychology Courses at the University of Vila Velha - ES. Specialist in Activation of change processes in higher education in health by Fiocruz/MS and Pedagogical Management School Health Techniques (UFMG/MS). Currently, he is part of the permanent education team of ETSUS Vitória - Municipal Health Department of Vitória - ES. See Mônica Cola's presentation (in Portuguese).
Virgínia Alonso Hortale
She is Ph.D. from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1977), with a master's degree in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (1985), a doctorate in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (1996) and a postdoctoral degree in Teaching Management from the University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain and in Teaching Evaluation by the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. She was the Postgraduate General Coordinator of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation between 2006 and 2011. She is currently a full-time researcher with experience in Public Health Teaching, acting on the following subjects: teaching quality assessment, research methodology, service planning and health system. He is the leader of the research group Curriculum and Processes in Health Training, certified by Fiocruz. See Virginia Hortale's presentation (in Portuguese).
New! Heilfrancis' presentation (in Portuguese).
About RETS’ Webinars
The purpose of the RETS Virtual Seminars, whose first edition took place in 2015, is to broaden the debate on priority topics for the health field, especially for health education and work, and to strengthen the articulation between the members of the Network, through of the use of new information and communication technologies. The seminars are aimed at health workers, managers, researchers and students, and may be followed in person or via online transmission, in Portuguese and Spanish. The themes of the seminars are defined in alignment and articulation with the RETS global health agenda and strategic agendas.
Before each Seminar, reference materials on the topic to be discussed are available on the Networks website. After the Seminars, event videos are available on YouTube. All available documents and videos are freely accessible.
8th RETS Webinar: ‘Accreditation of training institutions for technical health workers’
Day: October 8, 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 14h (Brasilia time)
International Salon of the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz)
R. Leopoldo Bulhões, 1480 - Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21041-210 (See how to arrive).
RNP Broadcast (Portuguese): https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/epsjv-fiocruz
RNP Broadcast (Spanish): https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/epsjv-fiocruz-es