With the support of SEGIB, RIETS will continue with the simulation-based education project for the training of health technicians.
The Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) announces the results of the 2nd Call for Proposals: Networking is Consolidating Ibero-America.
ALIBER, RIETS, IBEROREG and RIOD are the four Ibero-American networks registered in Segib's Register of Networks, a cooperation instrument created by the Heads of State and Government at the XVIII Ibero-American Summit in San Salvador (2008), winners of the II Call for Proposals "Networking is Consolidating Ibero-America", a total of 50,000 euros (12,400 for each network) to promote strategic cooperation projects.
Four Ibero-American networks will share 50,000 euros for knowledge projects:
The project of the Ibero-American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations working on Drugs and Addictions (RIOD), entitled "Recommendations for policies, programs and interventions on drugs and addictions in Ibero-America", aims to draw up a guide of guidelines for the members of its network to support the development of comprehensive policies in this area.
The Ibero-American Network for the Education of Health Technicians (RIETS) will hold the first Ibero-American Congress on Simulation-Based Education for the training of Health Technicians, continuing the work it has been doing in this area.
The Ibero-American Alliance for Rare, Orphan or Uncommon Diseases (ALIBER) has proposed a detailed analysis of the rare disease association movement in Ibero-America, with the aim of providing an accurate x-ray of the region and issuing recommendations to strengthen the organizations dedicated to raising awareness of these diseases.
The Ibero-American Network of Registries (IBEROREG), through its "Iberoreg Academy of Continuing Registry Training" project, will focus on creating a mechanism for generating and disseminating knowledge about property registries, thereby fostering a common legal culture through a Virtual Campus.
The selected projects must be implemented and completed before December 31, 2024. The expected results include the creation of common action guidelines or alignments for organizations in the region, the promotion of congresses that encourage the exchange of knowledge in specific areas, and the development of collaborative learning platforms, all aimed at strengthening cooperation and knowledge in Ibero-America through its networks.
SEGIB reaffirms its commitment to Ibero-American cooperation and congratulates the selected networks, whose work will be crucial for the joint progress of our countries. This call not only supports Ibero-American networks, but also benefits the Ibero-American community by promoting collaborative development through specialized work spaces in a network format.
Since the approval of the 1st Call "Networking is Strengthening Ibero-America", the RIETS executive secretariat and its members have been developing projects aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Network's members to evaluate and design the incorporation of teaching-learning methodologies based on simulation devices. As for the specific objectives, they can be divided into pedagogical and strategic. On a pedagogical level, the aim is to continue the debate on the potential of simulation as a teaching-learning strategy in the training of health technicians, to recognize the multiple simulation scenarios and strategies used in health, science and technology courses, and to learn about the applicability, incorporation and benefits of simulation in health teaching-learning.
At a strategic level, the project aims to share knowledge, experiences and theoretical-methodological approaches to simulation in order to strengthen teaching, research, innovation and technological development activities in the training of health technicians, as well as analyzing the stages, requirements and challenges of implementing programs, stimulating the establishment of technical cooperation between the Network's member institutions, especially with those that do not yet use this methodology, and promoting the expansion and strengthening of the network in the Ibero-American region through coordination between current members and the incorporation of other institutions and countries into RIETS.
After an international seminar and workshop, the "Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Simulation-Based Education in the Training of Healthcare Technicians", was drawn up, which emphasizes the need to include clinical simulation in the training of healthcare technicians and proposes an agenda of initiatives for RIETS until November 2024. The document envisages a future in which all health technician training establishments integrate simulation into their courses. The declaration, published by the RIETS executive secretariat, reflects the advances agreed during the seminar. These include the need to use simulation in both clinical and laboratory activities, to integrate interculturality and traditional knowledge, and to establish reproducible methodologies. It also highlights the importance of including behavioral and post-traumatic stress management training for the humanitarian treatment of patients who have suffered violence.
The next steps will be addressed in this second call for proposals and the fruits of these projects are already being harvested.
Development of cooperation
From June 17 to 21, 2024, a technology dissemination event called "Clinical Simulation" was held at the Health Services Center of the Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)-Antioquia - Regional Colômbia, with the aim of providing reflection tools for the implementation of clinical simulation as a didactic strategy in the curricular development of technical and technological health training programs. The event was attended by 25 SENA Nacional trainers from cities such as Bogotá, Boyacá, Medellín, Cali, Tuluá, Meta, Guainía, Guaviare, Ipiales, Manizales, Sincelejo, Armenia, Barranquilla and Cartagena. Among the aspects highlighted is the importance of incorporating clinical simulation into the training process, based on the learning guides.
During the week, there was a debate with Patricia Manzoni, director of the Escuela Universitaria de Tecnología Médica (EUTM/UDELAR - Uruguay), where the Rio Declaration was presented. There was also a talk with Gabriel Muntaabski, coordinator of Argentina's Programa Nacional de Formación en Enfermería (PRONAFE) and president of the Red Nacional de Simulación Clínica de Argentina (ReNaSiC), who presented the work done with nursing and the importance of simulation in training health technicians, and was able to interact with each of the participants.
This event made it possible to carry out the activities proposed by RIETS, highlighting the presence of simulation in clinical and laboratory activities, integrating interculturality and addressing behavioral aspects and situations of the human being.