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  • 07/22/2013 - The 3rdGeneral Meeting of RETS will be held on November 7th and 8th, at AggeuMagalhãesResearch Center (CPqAM/Fiocruz), in Recife (Brazil), along with the 2nd Meeting of RETS-CPLP and the 2nd Meeting of RETS-Unasur. The idea is that the meeting, which theme is The Network as a place of production of knowledge on education and work of health technicians,serves as a space for discussion about possible strategies to strengthen the initiative. The Meeting is focused to representatives of member institutions of RETS and national leaders responsible for educational policies of health technicians 
  • 05/20/2013 - En - ores de Lorem Ipsum na internet tendem a repetir pedaços predefinidos conforme necessário, fazendo deste o primeiro gerador de Lorem Ipsum autêntico da internet. Ele usa um dicionário com mais de 200 palavras em Latim combinado com um punhado de modelos de estrutura de frases para gerar um Lorem Ipsum com aparência razoável, livre de repetições, inserções de humor, palavras não características, etc.
