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Demographic Observatory of Latin America 2018: International migration

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This edition of the Demographic Observatory, which offers immigration tables for 19 Latin American countries for which data were available on the population censuses of the 2000 and 2010 decades. The data included are from the programme Research on International Migration in Latin America (IMILA). Information is compiled on the structure of the immigrant population by sex, age, years of schooling and participation in economic activity, according to census data. Also included are lifetime and recent international immigration, i.e. immigrants in Latin American countries who were born in different countries and those who resided in a different country five years prior to the census. The information is presented for total immigrants and for those from bordering countries, other Latin American countries, North America, Europe and the rest of the world. The analytical chapter in this edition addresses the theme of intrarregional and cross-border migration in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 2000 and 2010 decades.



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