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Publications, technical guidance on Zika virus

Updated: 06/28/2022
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WHO, together with partners, has developed technical guidance and training materials that can be used by countries to further strengthen their capacities to prepare and respond to Zika virus disease and complications.


Zika virus outbreak global response

WHO/PAHO and partners have launched the Strategic Response Plan for Zika virus that puts a greater focus on preventing and managing medical complications caused by Zika virus infection. To date, US$122.1 million are necessary to effectively implement the Zika Strategic Response Plan, July 2016 to December 2017.

Technical guidance

Risk communication

General guidance

Situation reports

All Zika virus situation reports

Zika virus and complications

This page links to all WHO information to its response on the Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Related links

Zika virus disease


Guillain–Barré syndrome

Related fact sheets

Information in Portuguese